The Rush Juggling Program is open to all players within Kansas Rush Wichita. Players will have the opportunity to submit their best juggling attempts to a member of the coaching staff, in person or on video. Once players accomplish certain juggling achievements, their name will be added to the website at the appropriate level completed for each of the five juggling categories: All Surface, Right Foot Only, Left Foot Only, Alternating Feet Only, Heading Only. More information on the five juggling categories and levels can be found below. If a player is able to achieve levels in ALL FIVE categories, they will become a MASTER JUGGLER.
A list of all Juggling Club Members can be found HERE
What is Juggling?
Juggling is the act of keeping the ball off the ground. For soccer players, this means using any part of your body (laces, thigh, chest and head) to maintain control of the ball in the air without using your HANDS!! If you haven't juggled before, try the following: Hold the ball out in front of yourself. Now, drop the ball onto either your laces or thigh, and knock it back into your hands. Once you get a feel for this, try to do it two or three times in a row without using your hands!
Why Juggle?
Because juggling can significantly improve your game in many different ways! Your touch on the ball is vital to the game of soccer. If you can juggle the ball consistently, you are more likely to be consistent when receiving and distributing the ball in games. It's a great way for you to learn how the ball reacts to different touches and surfaces. Juggling can also improve your confidence on the ball - not to mention, it is fun!!!
When to Juggle?
The best part about juggling is that you can do it almost anywhere and all it takes is YOU and YOUR BALL!! The most effective way to achieve your juggling goals is to PRACTICE ON YOUR OWN! Beating your score and challenging yourself are important keys to improving your game. Juggling a soccer ball with feet, thighs or head is an excellent activity for both beginners and advanced players alike. It's a great warm-up activity and you will notice that after only a few minutes, your heart rate rises and muscles become warm and loose.
Most importantly, NO BOUNCES AND NO HANDS!
Players who reach an achievement level in any of the five juggling categories will be recognized on the KRW website. Once a player reaches achievement levels in ALL of the juggling categories, they will be classifies as a MASTER JUGGLER at their respective level.
Players must verify all juggling levels by video or have a Rush coaching staff member witness the juggle. These are the only two ways to have your score verified and the juggling level achieved. So juggle with your coach present, juggle on live video with your coach, or send your coach an unedited clip of accomplishing the juggle you want submitted.
LEVEL BLACK | 100+ | 100+ | 100+ | 100+ | 10+ |
LEVEL GRAY | 250+ | 200+ | 250+ | 250+ | 25+ |
LEVEL WHITE | 500+ | 500+ | 500+ | 500+ | 50+ |
LEVEL BLUE | 1000+ | 1000+ | 1000+ | 1000+ | 100+ |
ALL SURFACE - MUST start with feet...use right and left foot, right and left thigh, chest, and head...MUST use every surface
RIGHT FOOT - MUST start with right foot and can only touch with your Right FOOT...no thigh allowed
LEFT FOOT - MUST start with left foot and can only touch with your Left FOOT...no thigh allowed
ALTERNATE - MUST start with your feet and MUST alternate with Right and Left FOOT every touch...no thighs allowed
HEAD - Can start with your hands but MUST use HEAD only once you start counting...challenge yourself by starting with your feet
BLACK in ALL FIVE juggling categories
ALL-STATE: player achieves
GRAY in ALL FIVE juggling categories
ALL-AMERICAN: player achieves
WHITE in ALL FIVE categories
ALL-WORLD: player achieves
BLUE in ALL FIVE categories